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in five easy steps.

  • It's streamlined and secure

  • Takes as little as 20 minutes to complete

  • And you can apply for more than one product or service

Self-Directed RSP‡‡

To be eligible to apply online, you must:

  • Apply for an account in your name onlyT
  • Be a Canadian resident
  • Be of age of majority in your province or territory
  • Agree to share your information with TD Bank Group so that we can serve you better

Please note you will need the following to complete your application:

  • Your Social Insurance Number
  • The ability to visit a TD Canada Trust Branch or TD Direct Investing location to finish opening your plan

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Important Information Regarding Registered Plans

You may only designate your estate as your beneficiary in this online application.**

‡‡Refers to the TD Waterhouse Self-Directed Retirement Savings Plan

** If you wish to designate a beneficiary other than estate, or if you are turning 71 years of age or older in this calendar year, please do not continue with this online application. Instead, you must visit any TD Canada Trust Branch or TD Direct Investing location in person to open an RSP plan or discuss your plan options.

T If you are a Pro you must apply in person at any TD Canada Trust Branch or TD Direct Investing location to open your plan.

The beneficiary is the person whom the RSP planholder has selected in writing to receive the proceeds of the RSP on the death of the planholder