Email Alerts

Sign-up for our email alert service through the New Issues Centre.

Register through WebBroker for the New Issues Centre and you can sign-up to take advantage of knowing when TD Direct Investing is offering new issues. The email alert service is available to clients who are registered for WebBroker, our Internet trading application.

How to Access the New Issues Centre

Login to WebBroker with your Connect ID and Login password. Within WebBroker, select "New Issues" from the left navigation bar and complete the two-step registration process:

Step 1: Complete the Terms & Conditions

Review and accept the terms for using the New Issues Centre.

Step 2: Create a Profile

Input your required email address and select from these email alerts:


Login to WebBroker now and register for the New Issues Centre.

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please contact the Electronic Brokerage Services Help Desk at 1-800-667-6299.