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Voice Print System – How To Enroll

Getting started is easy!

In four simple steps, you can enroll in our Voice Print System. In a matter of minutes, the entire process can be completed and you'll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with enhanced security.


Call 1-800-465-5463.

When prompted, say "I'm not enrolled." An Investment Representative will verify your identity, explain the simple enrollment process and answer any questions you might have. You will then be connected to the automated enrollment system.


Create your unique client identifier.

You will be asked to select a 10-digit telephone number – the phone number that you will most easily remember. This will serve as your primary phone number and unique client identifier. When prompted by the enrollment system, say this primary phone number.


Say your voice verification phrase.

When prompted, say the short verification phrase, "my voice is my password."


Record your secret date and hint.

When prompted, record your secret date which only includes a month and day. For example, June 10th. It should be easy to recall, but hard for others to guess, like a special anniversary or a friend's birthday. After the date is spoken, you will then be asked for a hint as a reminder. Remember to keep this information secure and do not share it with others.


Congratulations! You are now enrolled in the Voice Print System.

From now on, when you call us and say your primary phone number and secret date, your voice will be used to confirm your identity. You will then be connected with an Investment Representative to assist you with your transactions.

If you wish to make changes to your Voice Print, simply call 1-800-465-5463 and an Investment Representative will assist you.

For more information, or to enroll, call 1-800-465-5463.

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