Dynamic Workforce Planning


To proactively plan for shifts in our workforce.


In 2009, customer and client needs changed at a rapid pace in response to the economic downturn. For some areas of TD, the volume of work decreased or the nature of the work changed within a very short period of time, while other areas experienced a rapid increase in demand.

TD adopted a new approach to workforce planning to enable us to quickly adapt to changing needs across our business and continue to provide our employees with job opportunities at TD.

We trained HR practitioners to help them evaluate redeployment options such as moving an employee from one business area to another, considering job comparability, training requirements and notice periods. We also created tools for managers and employees to support them through role transitions.


Several business units utilized dynamic workforce planning initiatives. For those employees affected, we committed to:

  • Keeping them informed;
  • Providing as much choice as possible;
  • Giving priority to current employees (rather than temporary staff);
  • Finding comparable work;
  • Limiting the job loss; and
  • Providing appropriate support, including EAP services.

Although these strategies were not required as much as we had first anticipated, it was a valuable planning exercise.

In Depth