Photo of volunteers
Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup volunteers give a helping hand in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup


The primary goal of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup is to reduce the amount of litter found on shorelines each year by engaging communities to change their own attitudes toward littering and their behaviour.

Employees and community members not only help maintain and restore the environment but also inspire positive action year-round.

This leads to cleaner and safer shorelines, as well as encouraging Canadians to be more conscious of how their individual behaviours can have an impact on the environment.


In 2009:

  • 56,916 Canadians registered to clean up more than 1,568 shorelines across Canada.
  • 9,217 TD employees registered to clean up 300 sites.
  • The goal was to collect 150,000 kilograms (330,000 pounds) of litter – enough to fill up 200 garbage trucks.


  • 2,457 kilometres (1,523 miles) of shoreline was cleaned.
  • The estimated weight of debris removed was 160,914 kilograms (354,000 pounds) –- well above the target!


“The most common feedback we receive each year is, ‘We can’t believe how much garbage we picked up!’ and ‘We even had customers stop by to let us know how much they respected and appreciated TD’s efforts in helping the environment,’” says Mary Desjardins, Executive Director, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. “Once again TD employees have shown they walk the talk when it comes to community giving and involvement, and we should all feel very proud for making such an outstanding environmental impact.”

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