Succession Planning

Building the next generation of TD leaders

Resource Planning and Succession Management

Building talent at TD for today and tomorrow is key to our future success. Given the age and service mix of our executive population, a number of individuals in senior roles in the organization will be eligible to retire over the next five years.

Our annual Resource Planning and Succession Management cycle is one of the many ways we’re building talent across the organization. The outcome of this process is the creation of plans to identify and develop a pool of exceptional leaders who will position us well for future growth. We are excited to be introducing new technology (P3) in 2010 that will enhance our Resource Planning and Succession Management activities, and support employees by enabling career development across TD.

Leadership Development

We make a significant investment in helping our leaders continue in their development journey. Our goal is to give our people a greater and broader understanding of our core values, business strategy and approach to making business decisions. Leadership development is a key accountability in determining how TD executives are evaluated.

Our key programs include

  • Leadership Academy: This essential introductory program for new executives provides a common understanding of our leadership profile.
  • Build for the Future: This program is designed for TD executives and provides insight into our business and people planning strategies. We are proud of the success of this innovative program in building leadership capabilities across our organization. Read more.

A 2010 priority is to establish a development pipeline for employees below the executive level. We’re planning to introduce the Build for the Future Pipeline program, designed to introduce participants to business and people strategies and explore how leadership has an impact on the employee experience.

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