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Privacy and Security

  1. What is Internet Security?
  2. What steps has TD Bank Financial Group taken to ensure the privacy and security of my information on its website?
  3. What can I do to protect my accounts and personal information while using TD Bank Financial Group's website?
  4. Can other people view my personal information when I’m using the web?
  5. Are Email transmissions secure?
  6. I have received an email from you asking for my electronic banking information. Is this a legitimate email?
  7. Is it safe to give my credit card number when ordering something over the Internet?

  1. What is Internet Security?
  2. Internet Security ensures confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted from source to destination.

    • Confidentiality means that unauthorized users cannot read any transmissions sent from one party to another.
    • Integrity means that messages are not altered during transmission.


  1. What steps has TD Bank Financial Group taken to ensure the privacy and security of your information on its website?
  2. TD Bank Financial Group's top priority is to protect the confidentiality and integrity of its customers' information. We have ensured that the appropriate safeguards have been implemented each step of the way. These safeguards include:

    • Encryption - all confidential information (i.e. anything other than your name, address, telephone number and email address) is transmitted to us securely through the use of encryption and maintained securely upon receipt by us.
    • Firewalls - TD Bank Financial Group has in place an Internet firewall designed to securely separate the Internet from our internal computer systems and databases. Data coming from customer computers via the Internet flows through a series of safety check points on its way to our internal systems so that only authorized messages and transactions enter our computer systems.
    • Monitoring - TD Bank Financial Group monitors all internal systems to ensure that there has been no security attack or attempted break-in. We also arrange for regular independent security checks on our computer systems to ensure our high standards are being complied with.


  1. What can I do to protect my accounts and personal information while using an online service?
  2. You also play a role in maintaining the security of your information when online. We recommend that you follow the Online Safety and Security practices:

    1. Protect your Password
    2. Use a Firewall
    3. Use Anti-virus and Anti-Spyware Software
    4. Ensure your Browser and Operating System are up-to-date
    5. Protect your Internet Connection
    6. Protect yourself from Online Fraud


  1. Can other people view my personal information when I’m using the web?
  2. Your web browser is designed to encrypt data while it is being transmitted. Some browsers may store information in memory (cache) after it has been sent or transmited. To protect yourself, you should clear your cache after visiting any secure site.


  1. Are Email transmissions secure?
  2. Email is generally not a secure medium of communication. You should never include personal or banking information in an email to us or anyone else. Only general inquiries should be sent via email.

    Personal information includes, but is not limited to; Social Insurance Number, Date of Birth, account numbers, credit card numbers, your PIN, your Access Card Number and Connect ID, your EasyWeb or WebBroker password or your EasyLine Phone Code.

    If you have account-specific questions, please contact TD Canada Trust at



  1. I have received an email from TD Canada Trust asking for my electronic banking information. Is this a legitimate email?
  2. TD Canada Trust will never send customers emails asking for passwords, account numbers or personal information.


  1. Is it safe to give my credit card number when ordering something over the Internet?
  2. You should always ensure that you are in a secure environment. Look for the secure transaction symbol on your screen before entering your credit card number. This will look like a key or a padlock on the very bottom of your browser. Do not enter credit card or other personal information without seeing that symbol. You should also verify the validity of the digital certificate and that it was issued from a trusted Certificate Authority such as Verisign. This can help you identify spoofed websites. Double-click on the padlock icon to view details about the digital certificate.
