Annual Report 2003 Close Report
Financial Highlights
To Our Shareholders
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Financial Results
More About Us
The Future Matters
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Managements Discussion & Analysis

How We Performed
Off-balance Sheet Arrangements
Critical Accounting Policies
Controls and Procedures
How Our Businesses Performed

Personal and Commercial Banking
Wholesale Banking
Wealth Management
Corporate Management

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Corporate Management


The Corporate Management function of the TD Bank Financial Group is comprised of Audit, Compliance, Corporate and Public Affairs, Economics, Enterprise Technology Solutions (information technology), Finance, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Office of the Ombudsman, Real Estate, Risk Management and Security.

Banking is an increasingly complex and challenging business. The demands and expectations of those with an interest in our business – customers, shareholders, employees, stock exchanges, governments and the community at large – are constantly changing, and continuing to earn their confidence remains a significant challenge.

At the same time, the modern bank is a complex organization. Those who serve our 13 million global customers most directly in our three key businesses need strong and effective support from a wide range of functional groups, so that they can remain focused on the key priority of exceeding customer expectations.

Corporate Management’s mandate is to provide centralized advice and counsel and to design, establish and implement processes, systems and technologies to ensure that the Bank’s key businesses operate efficiently, effectively and in compliance with all applicable regulations.

From attracting and retaining the best people, to ensuring shareholders receive timely, transparent financial information, to designing and installing technology systems and managing risk, Corporate Management ensures we have the people, processes and tools to support our businesses, customers and shareholders.

Among the significant challenges encountered in 2003 were those presented by evolving Canadian and international accounting, securities and regulatory standards concerning corporate governance and financial reporting. Several groups within the Corporate Management function contributed to ensuring that TD Bank Financial Group was able to anticipate and implement changes to comply with new standards and remain in the forefront of corporate governance in the banking and financial services industry.

Another key responsibility of the function is to analyze potential risks and ensure that business continuance and resumption plans are in place against natural disasters and other business interruptions. This role was tested severely in 2003 with the SARS outbreak and power failure incidents in Ontario, mad cow disease and forest fire emergencies in western Canada and hurricanes in the Atlantic region. In each case, service disruptions and inconveniences to customers and communities were minimized.

All of our customers, employees and shareholders benefit from the collective resources and capabilities of Corporate Management. Looking ahead to 2004, we will continue investing in these functions to ensure continued support of our businesses in enhancing customer satisfaction, increasing efficiency and ensuring effective controls.