TD Passive ETFs
Whether you’re investing on your own or working with a financial advisor, our TD Exchange-Traded Funds (TD ETFs) can help you lower costs and increase your return potential.
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Showing {{$[$ctCtrl.choosen].totalFundRecords}} Results
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Performance (%) -
Performance (%) -
as of {{neededData.perfDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}
as of {{neededData.perfDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}
Showing {{$[$ctCtrl.choosen].totalFundRecords}} Results
Stock Price($)
Stock Price($)
as of {{neededData.priceDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}
{{fund.stockPriceNumF | formatNumber : $ctCtrl.lang}}
as of {{neededData.priceDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}
{{fund.navNumF | formatNumber : $ctCtrl.lang}}
as of May 21, 2021
{{fund.merNumF | formatNumber : $ctCtrl.lang}} %
Mgmt Fee(%)
{{fund.MngtFee | formatNumber : $ctCtrl.lang}} %
TD ETFs are qualified for sale in the provinces and territories of Canada. This site does not constitute an offer or solicitation to residents of the U.S. or the U.K. or anyone in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such a solution.
Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Please read the prospectus or the summary document(s) before investing. ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. ETF units are bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange and brokerage commissions will reduce returns. TD ETFs do not seek to return any predetermined amount at maturity. Index returns do not represent TD ETF returns. The indicated rates of return are the historical total returns for the periods including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account redemption, commission charges or income taxes payable by any unitholder that would have reduced returns. Past performance may not be repeated.
Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Please read the prospectus or the summary document(s) before investing. ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. ETF units are bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange and brokerage commissions will reduce returns. TD ETFs do not seek to return any predetermined amount at maturity. Index returns do not represent TD ETF returns. The indicated rates of return are the historical total returns for the periods including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account redemption, commission charges or income taxes payable by any unitholder that would have reduced returns. Past performance may not be repeated.
TD ETFs are managed by TD Asset Management Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.