Designed to tilt the balance of risk and reward further in your favour
We believe that combining a rigorous bottom-up equity research and a sophisticated portfolio construction methodology is the most predictable way to generate superior risk-adjusted returns over the long term.
We also believe that a company’s stock reacts positively to growth in earnings and cash flow, and that indicators of sustainable earnings growth appear at the company level before they are recognized in the stock price.
Core Equities
We seek out companies that have demonstrated superior earnings growth, positive business momentum, and sustainable profitability while ensuring we do not overpay for these growth characteristics.
Our solutions span across multiple regions, including Canada, U.S., International and Global.
Key Features of Core and Income & Growth Equities
- Disciplined bottom-up investment process that generates alpha though security selection
- Blending quantitative screening with qualitative analysis
- Consistency in income and high-impact growth characteristics - including superior earnings growth, positive business momentum and sustainable profitability
Income & Growth Equities
We seek mature companies with attractive dividend yields. A key distinction is that we emphasize predictable profitability and rising earnings to support the income stream, and often capital appreciation of higher stock prices. Our strategy focuses on income and typically has lower volatility than the relevant benchmark.
We offer Income & Growth solutions across U.S., International, Global and China.
The search for yield
Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. (Epoch). believes the key to producing superior risk-adjusted returns is the identification of companies with a consistent, straightforward ability to generate free cash flow and to effectively allocate it among the five possible uses of cash: internal reinvestment, acquisitions, dividends, share repurchases and debt reduction.
Global Equity Shareholder Yield
The strategy pursues attractive total returns with an above-average level of income by investing in a diversified portfolio of global companies.
Key Features
- Potential for high level of income
- Historically below-market volatility
- Cash-flow-oriented approach
- Integrated risk management
TDAM & Epoch working together
Epoch* is a global asset management firm founded in 2004 to serve institutional clients. With its free-cash-flow philosophy and its commitment to thought leadership, Epoch brings distinct perspectives and fund management expertise to the TDAM platform.
* Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank and an affiliate of TD Asset Management.