Active factor-investing designed for better risk-adjusted returns
We work to deliver the best available risk-adjusted returns across multiple solutions by combining the science of quantitative investment, the judgement of our broad portfolio management team, and the highest quality data.
Low Volatility Equities
Investors are typically encouraged to compromise between seeking higher long-term returns and mitigating losses within equity markets. We seek to eliminate this compromise by providing long-term market-like returns with significantly lower risk.
We offer solutions across multiple regions, including Canada, U.S., Global and Emerging Markets.
Why Invest in Low Volatility Equities
- We expect to deliver market-like returns with strong down-market outperformance.
- While many investors haven't been rewarded for up to a third of their equity market risk, we aim to only take on risk that is compensated
- The quantitative nature of our strategy allows us to offer it at a lower cost than traditional active investment management
Systematic Alpha
Inefficiencies in markets can create exploitable market opportunities. We believe our quantitative investment processes are well suited to identify these inefficiencies and convert them into outperformance.
Key Features
- Broad diversification
- Disciplined forecasting using quantitative techniques to identify equities with highest expected returns
- Low tracking error
Invest with a safety net
Risk Managed Equities are sophisticated, derivatives-based strategies that use options to create a portfolio safety net, designed to allow you to participate in the equity market's upside with less of its downside potential.