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InvestingTD Direct InvestingAccounts › Forms and Applications

Forms and Applications

Account Guarantee

Use this form to name an individual to guarantee payment of liabilities on your TD Direct Investing accounts.

The "Guarantee" is only applicable to TD Direct Investing accounts. This in no way allows TD Direct Investing to access moneys in a client's bank account.

Important: Alberta Guarantees must be Notarized (page 5).

PDF file
Account Guarantee

Form # 595992

PDF file
Guarantee (Alberta)

Form # 595994

Fillable | Get Adobe® Reader®

How to fill this form
  1. Click on the link above to open the form.
  2. Complete form details and print. You cannot save data typed into this form.
  3. Mail to the address indicated on the upper right section of the page.

We’re Here to Help

If you have any questions or require assistance, contact our Investment Representatives at 1-800-465-5463 or (416) 982-7686, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Submit Completed Forms

In Person:
This form must be taken to a TD Canada Trust Branch or a TD Direct Investing location for a staff witness to sign. Staff will then forward the form to TD Direct Investing Credit Department on your behalf.