Diversity Governance

Diversity Leadership

TD President and CEO Ed Clark and the Senior Executive Team play direct roles in driving TD’s diversity agenda. Each diversity priority has its own senior executive lead.

TD Diversity Leadership Council (DLC)

The TD Diversity Leadership Council (DLC):

The DLC’s main objective is to champion diversity in Canada and the U.S. They work hard to drive diversity initiatives with business units across the organization and help groups embed diversity into their business plans.

The Corporate Diversity Office.

Led by a Vice President who works with the Diversity Leadership Council and diversity managers in each major line of business, the Corporate Diversity Office develops strategies to promote diversity and inclusion within TD.

The TD Employee Council For Employment Equity

This group advises on the development, revision and implementation of TD’s Employment Equity Plan and reviews progress made toward achieving the plan’s objectives.

Our Diversity Leadership Framework – Priorities and Committees
Diversity Leadership Council led by Bill Hatanaka,
Group Head Wealth Management and Chairman & CEO TD Waterhouse Canada
Priority Canadian Chair U.S. Chair
People with Disabilities Tim Hockey
Group Head, Canadian Banking,
and President and CEO, TD Canada Trust
Suzanne Poole
Executive Vice President, Retail Banking & Complementary Channels
Aboriginal Peoples Kerry Peacock
Executive Vice President, Branch Banking
LGBTA* Paul Douglas
Executive Vice President, Business Banking
Carol Mitchell
Senior Executive Vice President, Shared Services
Visible Minorities Satish Rai
Senior Vice President TDBFG and Vice Chair Portfolio Management
Rick Burke
Senior Vice President, Cash Management
Women Colleen Johnston
Group Head Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Linda Verba
Executive Vice President, Store Operations and Service Programs
Serving Diverse Communities Dominic Mercuri
Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
John Cunningham
Chief Marketing Officer
* Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allies

2009 Diversity Governance Highlights

  • We published six intranet articles featuring a Diversity Leadership Council member talking about their own diversity priority area. Each executive shared insights on the personal significance of their priority area and updated employee TD Bank Financial Group - Page not found
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