Little girl skipping

Building on our commitments

It was a landmark year. Despite the downturn we continued to stand by our customers; employ over 74,000 employees; pursue our goal to become carbon-neutral; and, increase our giving to the communities we serve.
TD Employee reading to childre

TD in your Community

At TD, we believe that strong communities are critical to a healthy economy and to the welfare and well-being of our employees and customers.
Photo of Ed Clark, President and CEO

Message from our President and CEO

We sat down with Ed Clark, President and CEO of TD Bank Financial Group to ask him about TD’s corporate responsibility (CR) strategy, its CR achievements in 2009 and its priorities for 2010.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

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    To track our performance in corporate responsibility for customers, we use these indicators:
    • Do we provide legendary customer service and go beyond our customer’s expectations? (Customer Experience Index and Customer WOW! Index)
    • Are we keeping our customer’s information secure and private?
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    To track our performance in corporate responsibility for the environment, we use these indicators:
    • Has there been a reduction in our Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?
    • Are employees using less paper?
    • Are we reducing our water consumption?
    • How much electronic waste are we recycling?
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    To track our performance in corporate responsibility for employees, we use these indicators:
    • Does TD retain its employees?
    • Are employees engaged in their work?
    • How many days training do we provide employees each year?
    • Is our workplace safe?
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    To track our performance in corporate responsibility for customers, we measure representation of the following groups within TD’s employee population:
    • Women
    • Visible minorities
    • People with disabilities
    • Aboriginal Peoples
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    Here are some examples of how we measure our performance in corporate responsibility for the community:
    • What percentage of our profit was donated to charity?
    • How much of our giving was applied to our community areas of focus?
    • How much money was raised by our employees?
    • How many financial literacy programs do we offer?

Quick Facts

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    • Number of customers: Over 18 million
    • Number of customers supported through TD Helps: 24,000
    • New retail locations in North America: 57
    • Highest rating in customer satisfaction by J.D. Power and Associates in both Canada and the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region for the fourth year in a row1
    • Completed the integration of TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank across our 1,028 stores from Maine to Florida
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    • Tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions avoided: 70,000
    • Trees saved by customers opting for paperless banking: 6,000
    • Amount spend on initiatives to reduce GHG emissions: $15 million
    • TD was named one of the 100 Most Sustainable Corporations by the World Economic Forum
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    • Number of employees: over 74,000 worldwide
    • Nearly $6 billion spent on employee compensation and benefits
    • Amount invested in learning programs: $67.7 million
    • For the second consecutive year, Hewitt Associates named TD one of the 50 Best Employers in Canada
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    • Percentage of senior management who are women: 33.78%
    • Number of managers trained in Diversity: 6,000
    • Mentoring given to over 400 women and 120 visible minorities since 2006
    • TD was recognized by the Human Rights Campaign as being among America’s Best Places to Work for LGBT employees
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    • Amount of TD’s giving in Canada and the U.S.: $50 million
    • Amount given through employee contributions and fundraising: $9.5 million
    • Number of books given to Canadian children as part of Book Week: 500,000
    • Number of meals given to those in need from Maine to Florida in just two months: 1.7 million
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    • Total shareholder return: 8.5% (5-year CAGR2)
    • Total authorized loans made available to Canadian businesses: $197 billion
    • Aaa rated by Moody’s Investors Service and one of only three banks listed on the New York Stock Exchange with this rating
    • Total amount spent by TD on goods and services from suppliers: $4.3 billion
  • More
TD Bank employee

TD Stories

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Solar panels on a branch roof

TD Case Studies

TD is making an impact in all aspects of Corporate Responsibility