Ready to retire and leave a legacy that makes a difference

TD WealthClient Stories › Leaving a legacy

Ready to retire and
leave a legacy that
makes a difference

Lin and Dave own a large home in the city and run a successful chain of clothing stores. With two vacation homes in the U.S., they travel often for both personal and business reasons.*

a legacy
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Birth of first grandchild

We have always placed a high value on education – and we wanted our first grandchild to have that opportunity.

How TD Helped

Infographic illustrates that Lin and Dave establish Trust, Trust is managed by Trustee, and Trust is used only by beneficiary

Trust services

We wanted to contribute to our grandson’s financial security and independence. Our advisor called in trust specialists for their input. They helped us set up a trust that would help provide for his future. That kind of peace of mind is invaluable.

How TD Helped


Financing a large purchase

We want the best for our daughter in starting
her new life – a beautiful wedding and a
beautiful home.

How TD Helped


Private banking

We wanted to pay for our daughter’s wedding and
give them enough for a down payment on a
home, but all our cash was tied up in the business
and our properties. Working with our advisor and
other TD specialists, we agreed the best plan for
us was to pull the income we needed from a
number of sources to pay for the wedding and the
down payment without disrupting our cash flow or
having to borrow.

How TD Helped

Infographic illustrates funds pulled from investment income, employment income and rental income from properties to pay for daughter's wedding and down payment on a home

Vacationing in the U.S.

We both love to ski and to relax on the beach. With real estate values so reasonable in the U.S., we decided to buy vacation condos in both Aspen and Florida.

How TD Helped


Map of North America

Cross-border banking

With a business to run in Canada and two properties in the U.S., we were spending a lot of time going back and forth — often on very short notice. Our Private Banker showed us how we could set up the accounts we needed on both sides of the border and connected us with a relationship manager in the U.S.

How TD Helped


A sudden loss

My brother’s death came as a complete
shock. He was a real philanthropist, and I
wanted to make sure that his legacy would
live on.

How TD Helped


Charitable giving

I wanted to honour my brother’s memory by
giving to the charitable organizations that
were so important to him during his lifetime.
My advisor referred me to a TD Wealth
philanthropic specialist, who helped us set
up a donor-advised account with the
Private Giving Foundation.

How TD Helped

Infographic illustrates Private Giving Foundation used to leave a legacy

Retiring and transitioning the business

I felt it was time to make plans to sell the
business and enjoy the life that Lin and I
had built together.

How TD Helped


Infographic illustrates Dave and Lin's TD team of specialists and external professionals, including lawyers, working together on succession planning

Retirement planning and
business succession

Our advisor had brought up the topic of succession planning years ago, but at the time, we weren’t ready to even think about it. But when my brother passed away, my perspective really changed. Our advisor got everyone together to start the planning process — TD Wealth specialists from business succession, retirement planning and the wills and estate team — as well as Lin, the kids, and me.

How TD Helped

* Not real customers. Composite created for illustration only.

You can rely on TD Wealth to provide you with open, straightforward advice to help you realize your goals whether you are just starting to save and invest or have accumulated significant wealth that would benefit from professional management.

This couple needed a plan to move into a bigger home and build for the future while still enjoying family time today.

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