
  • Corporate Responsibility 2011 Priorities
    Priority Goals Targets and Activities
    • Treat customers fairly, and provide support in tough times.
    Improve Customer Experience Index (CEI) and Customer WOW! Index (CWI) scores.
    • CEI: TD Canada Trust - 33
    • CEI: TD Wealth Management - 10
    • CWI: TD Bank 33.7
    Resolve customer complaints fairly and quickly.
    • Reduce number of complaints referred to the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments.
    • Resolve 80% of customer complaints within three days (U.S.)
    Support Canadian customers through TD Helps.
    • Offer TD Helps as a permanent part of how we do business.
    • Be the bank of choice for diverse communities.
    Improve the accessibility of our customer facing locations and the products and services we offer.
    • Assess our universal design review research and customer service legislation to continue to make TD accessible to all customers.
    Be recognized as the bank of choice by diverse communities.
    • Maintain leadership position as the bank of choice for new immigrant, South Asian, Chinese, black and LGBT communities.
    • Ensure these groups are well represented in images used in TD’s marketing communications.
    • Be an environmental leader
    Create new products and drive innovation.
    • Increase market share on financing for renewable energy products.
    • Enhance green features of existing product offerings.
    Be recognized as an environmentally-responsible bank by customers.
    • Enhance environmental initiatives related to customer events, such as branch openings and community sponsorships.
    Engage employees and the community
    • Support community-based environmental projects that promote environmental education, energy conservation and biodiversity.
    • Develop performance measures and track levels of employee engagement on environmental topics.
    • Launch Green Teams in the U.S. operation.
    • Continuously improve our environmental footprint
    Reduce energy use and carbon emissions.
    • Reduce GHG emissions by 5% relative to 2006 baseline, by reducing energy use.
    • Develop energy and carbon management metrics and targets.
    • Maintain TD’s carbon neutral status.
    Improve our environmental management.
    • Implement an Environmental Management System.
    Reduce waste.
    • Improve recycling rate of non-paper waste in U.S. above 58%.
    Reduce paper.
    • Reduce our annual paper usage by 5% relative to 2009.
    Green our buildings.
    • Implement green building standards in our U.S. operation.
    • Develop plan for facilities gained through acquisitions.
    • Manage the social and environmental risks of our lending and investment products.
    Identify and assess risks.
    • Reduce financing risk through active management of environmental risk.
    • Track the number of financing deals referred to TD Environment for review.
    Engage with key stakeholders
    • Continue open-door policy
    • Build a fair, diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the communities we serve.
    Deliver a diverse and inclusive workplace that supports existing employees and attracts new employees.
    • Expand mentoring and networking programs to diverse groups and their allies.
    • Continue to integrate diversity and inclusion focus into recruitment, resource planning, performance management, and personal career management.
    • Increase employee representation for each area of focus.
    • Complete the 2011 TD Diversity Inclusiveness Survey.
    • Attract and retain great people and create opportunities for continued development.
    Develop great people and teams for the future.
    • Increase employee engagement score (EEI).
    • Improve employee retention.
    • Launch diversity and inclusion training for all employees in North America.
    Enhance our global recruitment capabilities.
    • Launch an enhanced global service recognition program in 2011.
    • Continue targeted recruitment efforts to diverse groups.
    • Ensure appropriate tools are in place to support recruitment efforts from diverse groups.
    • Contribute to the economic and social development of the diverse communities we serve.
    Make a positive impact in our communities.
    • Maintain our charitable giving at or above standards such as the Imagine Canada target and the Giving USA Foundation target.
    • Grow the number of volunteering opportunities available to employees.
    • Increase participation in our Employee Grants Program (Canada) and our Employee Volunteer Donation Program (U.S.)
    • Implement an employee volunteer management system in Canada and U.S.
    • Increase support of financial literacy programs and initiatives particularly for low- to moderate-income communities (U.S.)
    • Develop an environmental program with a national non-profit partner (U.S.)
    Maintain support for entrepreneurs and small business.
    • Continue to participate in the federal government’s Canada Small Business Financing Act Loan Program and the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act Program.
    • Continue to participate in the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agrinvest Program, a government sponsored investment account.
    • Continue to advise customers during tough times.
    • Continue to provide renewable energy financing.
    • Be transparent about the way we conduct our business.
    Continue to report on TD’s conduct and compliance.
    • Continue reporting the total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust and monopoly practices.
    • Continue reporting the total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes and any significant fines.
    • Use suppliers who demonstrate socially and environmentally responsible practices.
    Enhance capability for supplier relationships and practices.
    • Continue Supply Chain Working Committee meetings.
    • Implement the agreed upon recommendations from the supplier diversity review.
    • Continue work with our office product supplier to deliver an office product sustainability index.
    • Develop metric to measure our supply chain performance against corporate responsibility criteria.