
  • TD Waterhouse employees

    “It is a credit to your organization that you took the time and effort to arrange the dispersal of these items in a responsible way… The donation has immeasurably improved our office and, as a small, non-profit institution, we would never have been able to afford such quality furniture.”

    Martin Groombridge
    Islington & City Credit Union

    Programs in the U.K.

    • TD Waterhouse Team Challenges are one-day initiatives that aim to enhance the local environment or communities. Not only do employees get to make a difference in their local communities, they also develop team building and leadership skills that may be required in their career development. Some of the team challenges include the following:
      • TD employees improved the pathways at the Elizabeth Svenson Donkey Sanctuary in Leeds, making riding easier for children with disabilities.
      • TD employees created a butterfly garden and hide at Westwood Primary School in conjunction with their allotment garden, helping the children cultivate award-winning vegetables.
    • TD employees participated in Eco Kids, a Business in the Community–led scheme where companies deliver a short fun-filled educational session on climate change to primary school children.
    • The TD Securities office in London moved to a new, fully refurbished building, which created an unusual challenge: How do we save the existing furniture from a landfill? TD Securities joined forces with City Action – a matchmaking service for London-based companies and community organizations. Through these recycling efforts, 18 charities benefited from the donation of chairs, desks, conference tables, etc.