TD Helps

  • “The day of our first meeting when I needed your help to restructure my failing business, you changed my life…Your faith in me and my business allowed me to get back on my feet and start rebuilding my business.”

    Small Business Customer, Milton, Ont.

    In a year of rising debt levels and continuing economic turbulence, our customers clearly asked us to stand by them through customer research and in focus groups.

    • TD Helps was introduced in 2009 to support customers in Canada facing financial challenges in the economic downturn. The objective of the program is to encourage customers to talk to us so we can help them get back on track before it is too late. We recognize that financial difficulties are not limited to periods of economic uncertainty but can happen at any time. In 2010, we made the decision to incorporate TD Helps into our everyday business practice.
    • In 2010 we helped over 38,000 customers through TD Helps. The practical solutions we offered helped personal customers keep their homes or manage their non-mortgage debt and small business banking customers manage their cash flow.
    • We also established a fund that gave branch managers the right to help customers in immediate financial need by depositing emergency cash into their accounts. These funds are not a loan and are not repaid. This program has now been integrated into TD Helps and will be a permanent part of how we do business.

    Image of TD Helps logo and green chair

    A woman came into a branch with a bag of coins. The teller said she would need to roll the coins, and suggested they do it together. As they rolled, the teller learned that the woman needed the coins to pay for a prescription for her child. Realizing the coins wouldn't cover the cost, the teller spoke to her manager and returned with $50 which she quietly presented to the customer to pay for the prescription.

    Just one of the many stories employees submit about the impact TD Helps funds can have.