Civic and Political Contributions
Fostering Discussion on Public Policy Issues
TD sponsors and supports a range of forums, civic initiatives and other activities. Here are some examples:
- The Public Policy Forum, which is an independent forum for open dialogue on public policy.
- Programs that give the next generation an opportunity to experience the parliamentary process and how government works. These include the federal Parliamentary Information and Research Service Internship Program, the Ontario Legislature Internship Programme and the Forum for Young Canadians.
- Equal Voice, with a mission to promote the election of more women at all levels of government across Canada.
- The Historica-Dominion Institute of Canada’s Passages to Canada Program, which introduces young Canadians to the immigrant experience in Canada
In Canada, TD continues to advocate the need for a tax and regulatory environment that fosters competitiveness domestically and internationally. We are a member of the Canadian Bankers Association, which contributes to the development of public policy on financial services, and the Toronto Financial Services Alliance, a public-/private-sector collaboration to promote the competitiveness of Toronto as a premier financial centre.
In 2010, TD became a primary sponsor of the Global Risk Institute in Financial Services (GRi), an independent, world-class centre for research and training across financial risk management and regulatory disciplines. GRi will develop leading-edge thinking and practical, policy-relevant applied research in the area of financial risk management.
Political Contributions
TD believes that a strong political system in Canada is of benefit to the company and our customers. We participate in the democratic process and make political donations to those levels of government that allow corporate donations.
Political Contributions Made by TD 2010 2009 2008 2007 Federal - - - - Provincial $129,500 $131,500 $124,500 $149,600 Municipal $1,700 - - - TOTAL $131,200 $131,500 $124,500 $149,600
Within TD
- Employees participating as individuals in political activity or campaigning do so in their personal capacity and not as representatives of TD.
- Lobbying activity conducted by TD is in accordance with accepted good practice.
We continue to monitor legislative developments that may have an impact on our business or our customers and, if we have a strong view, will make that known to governments or regulators either directly or through our trade associations.