Our Approach

  • We contribute to the economy by financing business start-ups and growth, by sustaining and creating jobs, by paying taxes and by contributing financially to the communities where we work and live.

    Provide Economic Prosperity

    TD is a major employer, purchaser, taxpayer and financial services provider. Our role in the economy is extensive. Our everyday business activities touch the financial lives of millions of people and businesses. Our global workforce is over 81,000 employees, which translates into nearly $6 billion in salaries and benefits. While we don’t have specific policies or tracking about local hiring of employees or management, we do strive to make our branches and workforce reflect the communities we serve.

    Responsible Decisions

    Our ongoing objective is to make sure that TD businesses are taking on only risks they understand and that are manageable within an acceptable level. And because of our disciplined approach to risk management, TD is one of the few global institutions that has not required or received any financial assistance from the government.

    2010 Challenges Our Response
    • The gradual economic recovery in the U.S. created a tough environment for many business owners to obtain loans from financial institutions.
    • TD continued to lend and support business owners. Since 2007, we’ve grown our U.S. lending by 25%.
    • The relentless rise in household debt in Canada, both in absolute terms and relative to personal disposable income, is a growing cause for concern.
    • TD Economics published a special report highlighting recent household debt trends and contributing factors.
    • TD launched a “Get Saving” campaign in Canada to provide sound savings advice to customers.
    • TD provided $11 million in funding to the Canadian Centre for Financial Literacy.
    • Sourcing appropriate goods and services from vendors who demonstrate socially and environmentally responsible practices.
    • We formed a Supply Chain Working Committee to review and assess TD’s current supply chain practices and the mechanisms in place to ensure vendors meet our corporate responsibility criteria. The committee’s research will continue in 2011.