Staying Connected

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    TD Intranet

    Adding a comment engine to our daily internal Web news has revolutionized how our Canadian employees express their views. Employees are able to post candid opinions about bank initiatives and events, praise for what TD is doing well and critiques of where they feel we’ve missed the mark.

    The intranet provides instant feedback to senior management, who often take the opportunity to enter into the debate and answer questions. The comment engine has provided a real sense of employee community on a national scale. We’re working on a North American intranet platform to expand that community even further.

    In 2010 we created a Digital Communications and Social Media team, which will develop new ways to create an even greater sense of community and connection among our employees.

    The TD Retired Alumni website provides a virtual community to help our Canadian network of approximately 7,000 retirees stay connected through discussion boards, a members directory and information on social events.