Leadership Development

    • Leadership Development
    • Performance
    • Building talent at TD for today and tomorrow is critical to our future growth and success and is a key accountability for TD executives and leaders at all levels. Our CEO and the Senior Executive Team have regular talent review sessions through the year to assess the development needs and progress of our top performers. Business leaders complete an annual review to identify and develop a pipeline of future leaders who are capable of taking on executive responsibilities in the future.

      TD Bank was a key sponsor of the Simmons School of Management Women’s Leadership conference in Boston. Employees attended in person and via webcast.

      We make a significant investment in helping our employees develop their leadership capabilities through leadership development programs, purposeful career opportunities, and relationship experiences like mentoring and networking. Our CEO, the Senior Executive Team and other leaders, participate in and help facilitate TD’s leadership development programs. These programs give participants direct access to leaders and ensure a greater understanding of our core values, business strategy and approach to making business decisions and developing talent to deliver on our strategy.

      Our key programs and tools include:

      • Leadership Academy – an introductory program for new executives to orient them to their new leadership role in the context of our strategy, our values and the profile of an effective leader at TD.
      • Build for the Future (BFTF) – a program for executives that emphasizes the role of leaders in building talent for the future and deepens understanding about creating an inclusive environment. Our CEO makes it a priority to attend and spends time answering questions about TD’s business and people strategies.
      • BFTF Communities of Practice enables executives to further develop their leadership skills. The program includes online participation, teleconferences and face-to-face meetings.
      • BFTF Pipeline Program – introduced in 2010 to ensure that we have a strong talent pool of candidates among management-level employees for future executive leadership positions.
      • 360° Feedback provides an opportunity to provide honest, confidential feedback to managers. The focus of TD’s 360° Feedback program is personal development, not performance.
      • Customized Leadership Development involves additional tools and programs, including external skills assessments with industrial psychologists, coaches to support job transitions or capability-building, mentoring, development programs at elite global business schools such as Harvard and Stanford, and business interaction sessions with our Board of Directors.
      • Since 2005, 759 of our executives (about 63%) have completed Leadership Academy.
      • Approximately 50% of our executive population have completed the Build for the Future program since 2008.
      • Executives who completed the Build for The Future (BFTF) program asked for more opportunities to reinforce and develop their learning. In 2010 we initiated Communities of Practice. These include forums such as online participation, teleconferences and meetings. One example was our sponsorship of a live webinar on “Collaboration and Execution” conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The purpose was to develop ideas on how collaboration can create value for our business.
      • Six hundred and eighty participants have completed the BFTF Pipeline program since its launch in 2010. Some of the classes will be extended to the U.S. in 2011.
      • To sustain BFTF Pipeline learning, we created an online Collaboration Centre for Leadership Excellence offering articles, blogs, a calendar of events, themed webinar topics and e-newsletters.
      • This year we upgraded the Leadership 360° tool. It is more specific to behaviours from the TD Leadership Profile, which provides executives a more objective and actionable assessment.