Green Products

  • Photo of solar panels on a commercial building

    TD financed the development of one of the largest solar rooftop photovoltaic systems in Canada.

    Every year, we conduct an environmental survey to help us understand consumer attitudes and behaviour around the environment. This year, the results showed that:

    • Consumers continue to be concerned about the environment, even during tough economic times; and
    • They want to purchase green products, but only if they are competitive.

    Based on these findings, we are reviewing our green product offerings to assess how they can be enhanced. TD’s green products include:

    • Paperless Record Keeping
    • Electronic and mobile banking
    • Green Mortgage/Green Home Equity Line of Credit
    • TD Global Sustainability Fund

    In addition, our insurance products include:

    • TD Green Wheel insurance program
    • Travelers GreenHome upgrade
    • Concord Group – Green Home Advantage

    We launched a Green Banking Web page to help our Canadian customers find information on TD’s green products and services. Our most popular green service continues to be Paperless Record Keeping. To date, more than 8.9 million TD customers in North America have chosen to go paperless, saving approximately 10,000 trees every year.

    Renewable energy generation is a rapidly growing new segment of the energy sector. One of our most significant achievements this year was introducing a full suite of financing products for renewables into the Canadian market. Homeowners, business owners, farmers and building contractors can apply for financing to support renewable energy projects such as rooftop solar panels and, in some cases, geothermal heating and wind.

    Our research showed that one in three Canadian homeowners has considered installing solar panels, but three-quarters of them say cost is the number one deterrent. We created Going green: A homeowner’s guide to solar energy to help Canadians understand what’s involved when considering renewable energy projects.

    Renewable energy financing products have created an important new revenue stream for our business and delivered a responsible product option for our customers.