Energy Efficiency

    • Energy Efficiency
    • Performance
    • As electricity usage accounts for 70% of TD’s total greenhouse gas emissions, our energy conservation programs focus on reducing electricity consumption in our buildings and by our IT systems. Part of the challenge of improving energy efficiency is encouraging employees to adopt more efficient behaviours. Learn more about TD’s Green Teams.

      Building Operations

      Saving energy makes sense. For every dollar spent on energy conservation, we save about two dollars. Our energy conservation program (2008-2012) continues to improve energy efficiency through direct means, such as updating lighting, heating and cooling systems. Learn more about how our new buildings are being designed to use 20% less energy than our existing buildings.

      We are also learning how to use less energy by occupying less space. This year, we launched a pilot that provides employees with more choice about work location. We aim to reduce office space demand through shared workspace and “work at home” options.

      Green Information Technology (IT)

      Our IT systems and infrastructure account for about 15% of our electricity use. This year, we began developing a green IT strategy that will focus on managing energy demand while minimizing environmental impacts.

      Illustration of IT center

      Workstation Initiatives Data Centre Initiatives
      Automatic power-down of PCs during idle periods. We’re building a new data centre, designed to LEED gold standard.
      Use of “thin clients”. Software is housed centrally, reducing power required by the end user’s computer. More efficient use of server space and power consumption through virtualization.
      State-of-the-art video conferencing which will reduce GHG emissions, travel costs and travel time. A new voice, video and data communications network to support agile work options.


      We are working to reduce the impact of our business fleet by:

      • Continuing to provide incentives for fuel efficient and hybrid vehicles;
      • Reducing the number of cars per employee;
      • Encouraging the use of teleconferencing and video conferencing; and
      • Improving the tracking of fleet usage

      We recognize there is much work to do in this area, especially as we increase the number of mobile banking specialists who use corporate vehicles to visit customers in their homes.

    • Trends in our Canadian operations performance data demonstrate the positive impact of TD’s energy efficiency initiatives, which have been ongoing since 2007. Energy usage grew by only 2.7% between 2006 and 2009, while the number of employees grew by 30%.

      Full-scale energy reduction initiatives began in the U.S. operations in 2009 and significant reductions in energy usage are expected over the next 2-3 years.

      Total Electricity Use

      Total Electricity Use (KwH)

        2009 2008 2007 2006 (baseline)
      Canadian Operations (KwH) 343,996,677 341,893,691 341,471,067 335,040,186
      U.S. Operations (KwH) 242,082,525 235,546,176   213,728,745
        586,079,202 577,439,867   548,768,931