Open an Account

Investing › Open an Account

Required Documentation

All new account applicants are legally required to provide appropriate documentation indicating the citizenship of the account holders. Review the documentation required to open an account below, along with a selection of downloadable forms for your convenience.

Identification Required to Open an Account

Canadian and other non-U.S. citizens must provide a Social Insurance Number (SIN) and a copy of one of the following pieces of identification:

  • Valid Passport
  • Drivers License
  • Birth Certificate (if under 21)
  • Government Issued Age of Majority card

If a SIN number is not provided, the documentation must be certified as true by us.

U.S. citizens must provide a signed Form W-9 and Waiver of Client Confidentiality to us along with all other signed new account application documents.

Downloadable Forms for Clients

Note: These documents are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Third Party Information

Third party information includes other persons with:

  • Trading Authority or Power of Attorney over the account
  • General Power of Attorney over the account
  • Guarantee on the account
  • Financial interest in the account

If you have any questions about these forms or the required documentation, please contact us.