
Working Hard to Deliver Legendary Customer Experiences

  • Overview

    We have more than 19 million customers and clients – including six million online – who we serve through our various businesses.

    We care deeply about our customers. Each week we speak personally to thousands of them to find out how we're doing – and we act on what we hear. The care we take is reflected in the customer service awards we've won.

  • Learn more about our customers by reading their stories below.

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    A nightmare becomes a dream with TD

    Tuan and Sherah Buhary, Toronto, Ontario

    This past March, Tuan Buhary suffered a massive heart attack and was told he wouldn't be able to work for at least two months.

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    photo of Tuan and Sherah Buhary
    photo of Tuan and Sherah Buhary

    This past March, Tuan Buhary suffered a massive heart attack and was told he wouldn't be able to work for at least two months.

    "It was the beginning of a nightmare for me," says Tuan. "I own a small commercial cleaning business, and if I don't work, I don't have the money to pay my employees or the mortgage on my home."

    Tuan and his wife, Sherah, decided they had to sell their home and business, move into a rented apartment and then start over when Tuan was better. Sherah visited their TD Canada Trust branch to explain the situation and discuss their mortgage options.

    "The person I spoke with was very sympathetic," Sherah explains. "She suggested we make a claim on the critical illness insurance we'd taken out with TD when we got our mortgage and provided us with the forms."

    Tuan picks up the story. "To be honest, we'd forgotten we had it. The fee is rolled in with our mortgage payment, so it wasn't something we were conscious of."

    Tuan and Sherah weren't hopeful about getting much compensation through their policy – they'd found dealing with insurance companies challenging in the past. But they decided they had nothing to lose and submitted the claim.

    A month later, the Buharys realized their latest mortgage payment hadn't gone through. Tuan went to the branch to sort things out. "I couldn't believe what happened," he laughs. "The mortgage advisor said, 'Your payment was rejected because you don't owe anything on your mortgage – it's been cleared by your insurance.'"

    Sitting in the living room of his Toronto home three months after his heart attack, Tuan simply says, "I thought I was dreaming. I have no words to say what this has meant to us."

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    Protected from the uncertainties of life

    Shallow Family, Paradise, Newfoundland and Labrador

    Lisa Shallow and her family won't easily forget September 21, 2010 – the day Hurricane Igor hit Newfoundland.

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    photo of The Shallow Family
    photo of The Shallow Family

    Lisa Shallow and her family won't easily forget September 21, 2010 – the day Hurricane Igor hit Newfoundland.

    Lisa had left work early that day, picking up her three young children, Myah, JP and Lilyana, on the way home. Once there, she found the newly renovated basement of her Paradise home submerged beneath several centimetres of water – and more pouring in by the minute. Lisa's husband, Doug, soon arrived, and there was nothing to do but to begin bailing out the water.

    Then Lisa thought about the new homeowner's policy she'd taken out the month before with TD Insurance and decided to "test drive" it.

    "I was so impressed by the service and compassion," she says. "I got through quickly, and the representative told me the first thing she was going to do was send some help." Lisa thanked the woman but says she didn't really expect anyone to show up. "The person I spoke with wasn't in Newfoundland, and I thought, 'You have no idea what's going on here. So many people need help – you'll never manage to find anyone to come to us.'"

    But to Lisa's surprise – and relief – help arrived within a few hours. The crew pumped out the basement that evening and returned the next day to take away damaged flooring and drywall and set up massive dryers and dehumidifiers.

    By the end of October, the Shallows' claim had been approved, and they'd received their insurance payment.

    "We opted for the 'cash-out' payment because Doug is doing the work himself – he's done it once, so he figures he can do it again," says Lisa, showing a touch of the indomitable spirit for which Newfoundlanders are well known. "We're sincerely grateful for the support we received from TD Insurance and go forward confidently knowing our family is protected from the uncertainties of life."

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    Personal passions drive success

    Bob and Mary Simon, Burlington, Ontario

    Pursuing their passions helped Bob and Mary Simon build a strong foundation for their business aspirations. Forty years ago, Bob and Mary moved to Canada, where they met for the first time. Mary was a registered nurse specializing in geriatric care, and Bob was an aspiring entrepreneur.

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    photo of Bob and Mary Simon
    photo of Bob and Mary Simon

    Pursuing their passions helped Bob and Mary Simon build a strong foundation for their business aspirations. Forty years ago, Bob and Mary moved to Canada, where they met for the first time. Mary was a registered nurse specializing in geriatric care, and Bob was an aspiring entrepreneur.

    "Mary loved working in geriatrics and she worked hard," says Bob. "I used to pick her up from work every night, and one day I asked her what she thought about opening and running her own nursing home. With Mary's expertise and my interest in business I thought it would be a good idea."

    It was a good idea – the Simons now own and manage eight nursing homes in Ontario.

    "We couldn't have done it on our own," explains Bob. "We switched to TD when we decided to get into the health-care business. TD is different. When I came to them with my business ideas, they were extremely supportive and confident in my decisions. You don't often have a bank that really believes in you and gives you the confidence to follow your dreams."

    The Simons continued to follow their dreams. Bob's love for golf led him to his next successful business venture. As owner and president of Crosswinds Golf and Country Club, Bob welcomes golfers and visitors to the couple's 18-hole, 80-hectare course.

    "When I look at this golf course, I still can't believe it," he says. "When I golfed here for the first time, I thought to myself, 'Owning a place like this would be a dream.' It was TD that encouraged me to diversify and take this opportunity – they made me feel like I was doing something right."

    Sitting next to Mary after 38 years of marriage, Bob knows they have both come a long way and are truly living their dreams. "TD has been at our side throughout it all," he adds. "TD has offered us personalized service from the very beginning, and everyone we've met makes you really feel valued not only as a customer, but as a person."

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    Touching lives with legendary service

    Randy Fred, Nanaimo, British Columbia

    Nanaimo resident Randy Fred is a celebrated author and magazine publisher who says TD Canada Trust has touched his life in many ways.

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    photo of Randy Fred
    photo of Randy Fred

    Nanaimo resident Randy Fred is a celebrated author and magazine publisher who says TD Canada Trust has touched his life in many ways.

    "My wife, Edith, and I are always treated warmly at the bank," says Randy. "TD Canada Trust has been exceptional in that regard." That – and "the convenient evening and Saturday hours and friendly in-person service" – is why the Freds have remained loyal TD customers for more than 25 years.

    The couple has worked with TD to finance their south Nanaimo home and three businesses – a newspaper, a commercial salmon-smoking business and, most recently, a magazine called FACE, which highlights the diversity of Aboriginal life and culture. "TD set up a generous line of credit for me, which helped to increase the success of the businesses," explains Randy, who has published more than 40 books.

    Because Randy is visually impaired, he finds it easier to bank in person. "The employees at TD always remember Randy's name," says Edith, "and when they see him coming in, they personally take him to the counter."

    Adds Randy, "I wish other institutions had the same type of customer-service training as TD Canada Trust – it would make the world a much better place."

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    A foundation for success

    Petrobank Energy and Resources Ltd, Calgary, Alberta

    A solid understanding of Petrobank's business and superior customer service are the foundation for the trusting relationship that TD Securities has built with the company. As Petrobank has grown, TD Securities has played an important role in facilitating excellent business opportunities to effectively further the company's forward momentum.

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    photo of John Wright, President and CEO, Petrobank Energy
    photo of John Wright, President and CEO, Petrobank Energy

    A solid understanding of Petrobank's business and superior customer service are the foundation for the trusting relationship that TD Securities has built with the company. As Petrobank has grown, TD Securities has played an important role in facilitating excellent business opportunities to effectively further the company's forward momentum.

    "Our relationship with TD has been key to our growth and making things happen efficiently," says John Wright, Petrobank's President and CEO. "There have been times where TD has stood up and pounded the table on our behalf and been the catalyst to a significant business opportunity. Even if they weren't solely responsible for making a deal happen, they played a huge role – and that's something you never forget."

    In 2000, when John joined Petrobank, the market cap was approximately $35 million – today, the combined market cap of the Petrobank Group of Companies is more than $8 billion. In addition to Petrobank's exponential growth, the company is also known for its innovation. It recently commercialized THAI®, a new technology that enables more heavy oil to be extracted with lower environmental impact.

    Beyond TD's role in the company's growth, John appreciates the level of dedication and service the bank offers Petrobank.

    "Even though TD is a multinational banking giant, they always relate to us as if they were a small boutique investment firm by making us feel like we take precedence and by giving a lot of attention to our needs and wants," John says. "TD comes across as a specialty shop that treats us as one of their key clients."

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    Mobile banking: TD at your fingertips

    Ari Wibowo, Vancouver, British Columbia

    Ari Wibowo is a busy guy with a lot on the go – anything to make his life less complex is warmly welcomed. Because he's a structural engineer, it should come as no surprise that he has a special place in his heart for gadgetry. That's where TD's mobile banking comes in.

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    photo of Ari Wibowo
    photo of Ari Wibowo

    Ari Wibowo is a busy guy with a lot on the go – anything to make his life less complex is warmly welcomed. Because he's a structural engineer, it should come as no surprise that he has a special place in his heart for gadgetry. That's where TD's mobile banking comes in.

    "My iPhone keeps me organized," says Ari. "And TD's mobile banking app lets me bank whenever I want to."

    Ari downloaded TD's mobile banking app shortly after it was released. "I like the fact that I don't need to use my computer or find an ABM to check my account balance. A couple of taps on my iPhone and I've got the information that I need."

    TD has mobile banking apps available for use on the iPhone, BlackBerry and Android devices. See our mobile banking options in Canada and the U.S.. Since introducing the apps in 2010, there have been more than 600,000 downloads – bringing even more convenience to TD customers across North America.

    "It really does make banking easier," adds Ari. "Thank you, TD."

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    Partnering for cross-border growth

    Clic International Inc., Laval, Quebec

    When Assaad Abdelnour, President of Clic International Inc., was looking for a bank that could support his growing cross-border specialty foods manufacturing and distribution company, he turned to TD.

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    photo of Assaad Abdelnour, president of Clic International Inc.
    photo of Assaad Abdelnour, president of Clic International Inc.

    When Assaad Abdelnour, President of Clic International Inc., was looking for a bank that could support his growing cross-border specialty foods manufacturing and distribution company, he turned to TD.

    "Our company expanded into the U.S. market, and we felt that a North American bank would be better able to understand our business and meet our banking needs. Since our business operates across borders, it helps to have a bank that does so as well," Assaad says. "We felt TD had the openness to understand both the market and our needs and had the desire to truly partner with our company."

    Assaad founded the Laval-based specialty foods manufacturer and distributor in 1984. Clic has grown immensely since opening its first location, with operations in Toronto, Ottawa and Edison, New Jersey. The company hopes to continue its expansion in the U.S. and is confident that TD will be there to help. Assaad was impressed by the ease with which he was able to develop relationships with the entire TD team.

    "Switching to TD had a lot do with personal relationships – actually it was the biggest part," says Assaad. "The TD team is open and welcoming and has the desire to create a successful business relationship between us and them. It's easy to get lost in the 'banking machine' or get transferred from one extension to another, but with TD we get to know all the people we're dealing with and have access to the answers we need."

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    A bank for life

    Marcus Lisowec – Wolseley, Saskatchewan

    Marcus Lisowec has been banking with TD since he had a paper route as a young boy. Now 20 years old, he has a lot of respect for the role the bank plays in his hometown of Wolseley, Saskatchewan.

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    photo of Marcus Lisowec

    Marcus Lisowec has been banking with TD since he had a paper route as a young boy. Now 20 years old, he has a lot of respect for the role the bank plays in his hometown of Wolseley, Saskatchewan.

    "Wolseley is a small town," says Marcus, "but small towns are friendly, and banks are a big part of the community."

    That's certainly true for Diane Beliveau, a Financial Services Representative at the Wolseley branch. Diane's been a friend not only to Marcus, but to his "Gramma" June and brothers Daniel and Robert.

    "They're just such a wonderful family," says Diane, "and I enjoy not only helping them with their banking, but acting as a role model and mentor for the boys."

    As part of her community involvement, Diane coaches a running program for teens. Marcus has helped coach the teens alongside Diane. "Diane's a great person inside and outside the bank," says Marcus. "Her running class is a lot of fun."

    Both Diane and Gramma June have done a lot to teach Marcus and his brothers about saving and setting goals.

    "Diane's been a very good influence on me," Marcus says. "She's taught me a lot about setting goals and sticking to them." Gramma June has also been a huge help to Marcus. "My Gramma, she's always been there for me."

    "Learning about the importance of saving from Gramma and Diane really helped me set other life goals," Marcus adds. "Gramma always tells my brothers and me, 'If it's burning a hole in your pocket, take it to the bank.'"

    June was a huge supporter of one big goal that Marcus set for himself – joining the military. Marcus recently left the province of Saskatchewan for the first time to complete basic training in Quebec.

    Diane knew Marcus wouldn't have a lot of time to focus on banking while he was at training, so she made sure everything was set up in advance of his departure.

    The entire community of Wolseley, especially Diane, Gramma June and brothers Daniel and Robert, is looking forward to seeing Marcus when he returns for Christmas. June also mentioned that the family cat, Garfield, has been noticeably different since Marcus went away for basic training, so she expects he's looking forward to Marcus's return too!

    "I'm really excited to go home and see my family and friends," Marcus says. "I'll always do my banking with TD because they've always been there for me."

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    TD Waterhouse: a one-stop shop

    Ramesh Shah, London, U.K.

    What makes a customer loyal for more than 10 years? For Ramesh Shah, it's competitive rates, top-notch products and a wealth of helpful information.

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    photo of Ramesh Shah
    photo of Ramesh Shah

    What makes a customer loyal for more than 10 years? For Ramesh Shah, it's competitive rates, top-notch products and a wealth of helpful information.

    Ramesh became a TD Waterhouse client in the U.K. more than a decade ago, at a time when he felt there were few providers of investment services at a reasonable cost. Initially, Ramesh may have been attracted by TD's reasonable rates, but he's remained a loyal customer because TD Waterhouse has met – and exceeded – his trading and investing needs.

    "TD has most of the industry's best products," says Ramesh. "TD Waterhouse moves with the industry, and it's a one-stop shop – you can get all the products in one place."

    Ramesh also utilizes the Investor Centre in London, where he finds the TD team more than willing to help with whatever he needs.

    "There's the excellent Investor Centre, where you can walk in and ask for information," Ramesh says. "I use it a lot because they have regular seminars, and if you need clarification or information, you can talk to the staff about what you're interested in."

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    Recipe for success

    The ROCI Group, Bergenfield, New Jersey

    How many banks greet their customers with a warm hug? That's the kind of special relationship TD Bank Small Business Relationship Manager Francesca DiBianco has developed over the years with Reinaldo and Rafael Rodas, a father and son whose small business, The ROCI Group, has flourished in the years since they became customers of the bank.

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    photo of Reinaldo and Rafael Rodas
    photo of Reinaldo and Rafael Rodas

    How many banks greet their customers with a warm hug? That's the kind of special relationship TD Bank Small Business Relationship Manager Francesca DiBianco has developed over the years with Reinaldo and Rafael Rodas, a father and son whose small business, The ROCI Group, has flourished in the years since they became customers of the bank.

    The ROCI Group serves the Latin American population in the metro New York market with well-made cookware and household items. The business harnesses the best of both the father's and son's backgrounds. Reinaldo had previously operated a business that distributed cookware in the tri-state area; Rafael had a background in supply chain operations and had earned his MBA from Columbia University's entrepreneurship program. Their products, marketed under the brand names Tucocina and Tucasa, are sold at small grocery stores and independent supermarkets.

    A relationship that began with the closing of a loan in a doughnut shop on Christmas Eve has grown over the last five years and enabled The ROCI Group to expand their product line and more than triple sales. Despite tough economic times, the company continues to be profitable and hopes to expand to other major U.S. cities in the future.

    But the reasons the father-and-son team continue to bank with TD go well beyond numbers. From the outset, Rafael never felt like just another customer – early on, Francesca visited the company's warehouse and talked with Rafael and Reinaldo about their business and what they hoped to achieve.

    "It seemed like there was a true interest in helping our business grow – it wasn't just about a transaction," says Rafael.

    We're known as "America's Most Convenient Bank" in the U.S., and if there's one word to sum up the Rodas's experience with TD, it's convenient. They love that there's always a TD Bank store nearby to help them or their employees with their banking needs. And that convenience extends outside our U.S. footprint, too – Rafael says that no matter where he is in the world, he can rely on TD to provide consistent, personalized attention.

    "You can call, and they're always very helpful and willing to meet your every need," Rafael says. "I find that remarkable, and that's why I enjoy banking with TD Bank."

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    Legendary service is second nature

    Boynton Beach, Florida

    Last summer, Nehemie Jean, a Customer Service Representative at a TD store in Boynton Beach, Florida, took a call from a woman who wanted to open an account, but her disability prevented her from physically visiting the store. Nehemie said she'd be pleased to have someone go to the customer's home to open the account.

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    photo of TD employee Nehemie at TD Store Boynton Beach, Florida
    photo of TD employee Nehemie at TD Store Boynton Beach, Florida

    Last summer, Nehemie Jean, a Customer Service Representative at a TD store in Boynton Beach, Florida, took a call from a woman who wanted to open an account, but her disability prevented her from physically visiting the store. Nehemie said she'd be pleased to have someone go to the customer's home to open the account.

    "Helping a customer who couldn't physically come into our store because of a disability was simply the right thing to do," says Nehemie. "It's second nature for us, and I'm just glad that I work for an organization that makes this sort of service a priority."

    The customer was surprised and delighted by the gesture: "I've dealt with banks from here to Australia, but never one that gave such responsive service."

    WOW! has a way of spreading. The customer's neighbour, also a TD customer, visited the store and mentioned how happy he was to bank with an organization that goes to such lengths to provide a great service experience.

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    Banking on a bright future

    Collegiate Church, New York City

    Timing was everything when Collegiate Church began a relationship with TD Wealth Management and TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank – but an unparalleled level of service and commitment has made the church happy to be a client.

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    photo of Casey Kemper
    photo of Casey Kemper

    Timing was everything when Collegiate Church began a relationship with TD Wealth Management and TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank – but an unparalleled level of service and commitment has made the church happy to be a client.

    In 2010, the church hoped to refinance loans with its existing financial institution, but was dissatisfied with both the level of service and the quality of advice. Fernando Garip, Regional Director for TD Wealth Management's Private Investment Counsel, and Beatriz Pallares, a Private Banking Officer, had built a relationship with Casey Kemper, the church's Executive Vice President and Treasurer, over the years and were able to offer the bank's services.

    "With the changes in the real estate market and the banking industry, we really were the right fit to help them," Fernando says.

    Beatriz and Fernando worked with Richard Dzwlewica and Stephen Martin from Commercial Lending, Mary Zias from the Astoria Ditmars TD Bank store and Ken Birke from Cash Management to find appropriate credit and investment options for them.

    "We came together across various business lines to create a seamless banking experience for the church," says Beatriz. "It was truly a team effort."

    "TD came along at the right time and place and offered credit facilities that were unmatched by other banks," says Casey. "The people are fantastic in terms of responding to our needs, listening to us and initiating ideas to improve our financial management. I love the people. I love the services. The bank's commitment to us is very strong."

    Collegiate Church has a rich history and deep roots in New York City. It began as a worshipping community in lower Manhattan in 1628, when the Dutch first settled Manhattan Island as New Amsterdam. Today, the church has 3,300 members in four worshipping communities in Manhattan and in Intersections, a ministry that focuses on what Casey describes as "peace and reconciliation outreach." Intersections' outreach includes promoting the rights of the lesbian and gay communities, improving Christian-Muslim relations and advocating on behalf of Iraqi refugees.

    "From the top down, the bank is really interested in us and wants to help us meet our goals," said Casey, adding that TD also demonstrated an interest in the church's initiatives. TD sponsored Intersections' annual fundraising effort this year.

    "Our relationship with TD has been wonderful for the church, one I'm very proud of, and it's only just begun," said Casey. "We're going to be good partners going forward."

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    WOW! knows no borders

    Atlanta, Georgia

    A long-time customer who now lives in Atlanta, Georgia, recently lost her son to cancer. To add to her troubles, the 85-year-old customer couldn't afford to pay for the funeral. She remembered that she'd stashed away a number of interest cheques over the years that she'd received from an old TD guaranteed investment certificate her father had bought for her when he lived in Toronto and was a TD Canada Trust customer.

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    photo of Mylah Chu and Cindy Nielissen
    photo of Mylah Chu and Cindy Nielissen

    A long-time customer who now lives in Atlanta, Georgia, recently lost her son to cancer. To add to her troubles, the 85-year-old customer couldn't afford to pay for the funeral. She remembered that she'd stashed away a number of interest cheques over the years that she'd received from an old TD guaranteed investment certificate her father had bought for her when he lived in Toronto and was a TD Canada Trust customer. Could she cash the interest cheques so many years later?

    That's when the Toronto-based TD representatives Mylah Chu and Cindy Nielissen got involved. They were able to track and retrieve all the unclaimed interest payments made over the years. They quickly converted them to U.S. dollars and had them promptly delivered to the customer.

    But Mylah and Cindy realized that the amount wouldn't completely meet the customer's needs. Perhaps it was intuition that made them check the Bank of Canada unclaimed balances registry – lo and behold, the customer was entitled to what amounted to $1 million, which had grown from the initial contributions her father had diligently made more than 35 years ago.

    "Our group – the Term Products group – doesn't often deal with customers directly," says Mylah. "But once an opportunity comes our way, we're all about WOW!ing our customers. We're just extremely thrilled to have been part of this amazing story."

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Corporate responsibility

We want to be The Better Bank. Discover how we're building on our commitments to customers, employees, the communities we serve and the environment.

TD's 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report will be available in March 2011.

A woman working in a garden