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"We see programs like the TD Volunteer Network as a win for everyone: the bank, the community, our employees, and especially the lives of the people they touch." – Teri Currie

Connecting employees to volunteer opportunities

At TD, giving back and making a difference in our communities is part of who we are. That's why this year we launched the TD Volunteer Network (TDVN), a new North American employee volunteer program that makes it simple, fast and easy for employees to find local volunteer activities that fit their interests and support their personal and professional development.

Through the new site, employees can also log their hours, track their progress and even submit new events.

"For TD employees, volunteering can be a huge adjunct to their own personal growth and development, and can help them meet their aspirations," says Teri Currie, Group Head, Direct Channels, Corporate Shared Services, Marketing and People Strategies. "Whether it is by sitting on a board or on a planning committee, employees can gain valuable skills, such as people management, succession planning, project management and leadership."

Thousands of charities that TD supports have been provided direct access to the TD Volunteer Network so they can post volunteer opportunities, allowing them to gain access to a potential volunteer base of more than 85,000 employees.

By tracking their time on the site, employees can also apply for a TD Volunteer Grant in Canada, or a TD Volunteer Donation in the U.S. For every 40 hours or more they spend with a registered charity within 12 months, employees are eligible to receive a $500 grant that TD will donate to their chosen charity on their behalf. In 2013, TD contributed $317,500 to charities through this program alone.

"We see programs like the TD Volunteer Network as a win for everyone: the bank, the community, our employees, and especially the lives of the people they touch. Enabling employees to combine what they're passionate about with what they do day-to-day at work helps them feel more connected to the organization," said Teri.

Check out this video of TD employees talking about their experience volunteering in the community and why giving back is important to them.

No matter where in the world we are, we're passionate about celebrating with our customers, employees and communities.

Celebrating Canada Day beyond our borders

Growing from a single branch in 1855 to one of the largest financial institutions in North America, TD remains proud of its Canadian roots. Our more than 85,000 employees in offices around the world continue to celebrate our history at home and abroad. Each year on July 1st, Canada Day celebrations give TD employees located outside Canada an opportunity to share Canadian traditions with their colleagues and communities.

In 2013, Canada Day celebrations included events in New York, U.S.A., and London, England. In the Big Apple, TD hosted an event in Central Park, bringing together thousands of people – both Canadians and non-Canadians included – to experience Canada's culture. In addition to enjoying Canadian art, music and food, visitors to the festival had a chance to learn about TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank® and TD's cross-border banking services for Canadians living, visiting and working in the U.S. In London, TD Securities and TD Direct Investing employees celebrated by playing ball hockey in Trafalgar Square.

One TD employee from the United States had this to share about his experience: "I was in New York City on July 1, 2013 and went to a rock concert in Central Park to celebrate Canada Day. I saw three of Canada's best entertainers; Joel Plaskett, Spirit of the West and Lights. It was a great evening!"

No matter where in the world we are, we're passionate about celebrating with our customers, employees and communities.

"Employees take pride in rallying together every year to raise critical funds for the campaign. Every dollar counts."

Standing for better, together

For more than 50 years, TD has had a proud tradition of giving back and helping those in need. Through our longstanding partnership with the United Way, TD raises funds and awareness that make a difference in the lives of many less fortunate through campaigns run entirely by staff. The United Way is TD's largest employee fundraising campaign - speaking volumes about our dedication to the organization that helps so many on both sides of the border.

In 2012, TD raised more than $13 million for United Way initiatives from employee and corporate efforts across Canada and the US. Through creative fundraising initiatives such as stair climbs, head-shaving events and rock/paper/scissor contests, employees take pride in rallying together every year to raise critical funds for the campaign. Every dollar counts.

These efforts have a monumental impact on the lives of many across our North American footprint. For example, TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank® participates in joint United Way and Habitat for Humanity builds that have a direct, positive impact on the organization, the community and, of course, the proud new homeowners.

Senior leaders show their commitment to the community by taking part in challenge grants that are set to raise more than $1.5 million by matching employee donation dollars. Outside of the office, through the United Way, TD employees lend a hand in their communities by assisting with after-school programs, conducting practice interviews to help others find employment and much more.

TD is devoted to helping community members get back on their feet, look forward, and achieve success. We're excited to continue our strong support and keep momentum going for years to come.