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"Our environmental focus is good for the planet, but it's also a key factor in our success as a bank." – Karen Clarke-Whistler

Green at a glance

For TD, a commitment to environmental leadership is part of who we are and how we operate, shaping just about everything from the design of our facilities to how we serve customers to our financing practices. And for good reason. "Our environmental focus is good for the planet, but it's also a key factor in our success as a bank," says Karen Clarke-Whistler, TD's Chief Environment Officer.

What differentiates TD's approach to the environment is that it's grounded in four pillars that embed the environment across our business:

  1. Reducing the environmental footprint of our business operations
  2. Responsible financing that includes proactive engagement of environmental and related social risks
  3. Developing green products and service options for our customers
  4. Engaging employees and communities to raise environmental awareness and make an impact

When we design a facility, for example, we do it through an environmental lens. And that has led, among other things, to our net zero energy branch pilots, wide use of renewable energy, "green" corporate workspaces, and a new sustainable and energy efficient design concept branch . This approach doesn't only help us reduce our environmental footprint, but leads to an enhanced customer and employee experience and reduced energy costs.

We've made great headway on our journey to be an environmental leader. Below are a few notable highlights of our green 2013 accomplishments.

  • New Canadian branch prototype is 40% more energy efficient than our traditional design
  • 45 facilities received LEED certification, bringing the total to 114 by fiscal year-end – nearly 90% at the gold or platinum level
  • TD Bank Group was the most widely held financial institution by Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) funds in Canada
  • Helped protect more than 10,000 hectares of critical North American forest habitat through TD Forests
  • TD employee and customer volunteers helped plant more than 48,000 trees
  • Nearly 50% of our U.S. employees took the "Green Pledge"

When it comes to responsible financing, our focus on the environment has meant facilitating dialogue on environmental issues, being a signatory to the Equator Principles, and providing thought leadership on the environment, which has included producing key environmental papers, such as "The Greening of the Canadian Economy" and "Green Bonds: Victory Bonds for the Environment."

In 2013, TD received considerable recognition for its environmental leadership, including:

  • Named one of Canada's Greenest Employers by Mediacorp Canada
  • Only Canadian bank on the Carbon Disclosure Project's 2013 global Performance Leadership Index
  • Recognized as a Green Power Partner in 2013 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • TD's Chief Environment Officer, Karen Clarke-Whistler, named one of Canada's 2014 Clean16 for her "outstanding contribution to clean capitalism"

"Any way you look at it," says Karen, "building the environment into our DNA is making us a better and more successful bank."

The new space makes customers feel like they're banking from the comfort of home, while minimizing environmental impact.

Making customer experiences greater, and greener

Exceptional customer service and making communities greener are two of TD's core values. That's why it made sense to marry those themes with TD Bank Group's inaugural sustainable and energy-efficient concept branch, which launched this year.

Located in Mississauga, Ontario, the concept branch uses innovative green elements to create an engaging space with modern functionality that delivers a unique banking experience tailored to evolving customer needs. It's a first of its kind for any financial institution in Canada.

What makes this branch unique?

Featuring an open concept and modular design complete with beverage bar and lounge, the new space makes customers feel like they're banking from the comfort of home, while minimizing environmental impact.

The facility is scalable, meaning almost everything – including the walls, fixtures and teller stations – can move. In as little as three days, the branch interior can be redesigned to accommodate the growing needs of customers and the surrounding community.

Natural light that floods the space reduces energy use. The branch was constructed on a raised floor, so geothermal heating and cooling systems can run beneath customers' feet, taking advantage of stable underground temperatures. Solar panels help power the branch while low-energy lighting, technology and appliances, and responsibly sourced wood throughout the branch, serve to reduce TD's environmental footprint.

The great, green customer experience extends to the outdoors as well – with a community garden that provides a fresh, natural public space for all to enjoy.

Customers and the environment are at the heart of TD. They're also at the heart of this new branch's design. The branch is a tangible example of how building environmentally responsible spaces can help create truly legendary customer experiences.

"Customers have been so impressed with our environmental commitment that they've said we are green beyond our logo's color…" – Kim Cinoglu

Environmental leadership: green beyond our logo

TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank, is on an environmental leadership journey.

It takes an impassioned workforce of 27,000 employees to embed green tactics into business processes, make the environment part of the day-to-day culture, and spread the green message to customers and the community across a footprint that extends from Maine to Florida. And that's why TD Bank employees are the driving force behind the bank's commitment to environmental leadership.

What triggered TD Bank employees to be green advocates? The answer is an innovative employee engagement program that transformed thinking and behaviour of employees across the bank regarding the environment. The program was launched with an invitation for employees to take "the Green Pledge" and was shaped by the 4Hs of Environment EngagementSM, which works to build environmental awareness (Head), make an emotional connection (Heart), get employees involved (Hands), and encourage them to share what they're doing on the environment with colleagues and customers (Horn).

"I'll be frank," said Kim Cinoglu, a TD Bank store manager in Cherry Hill, New Jersey," If you'd asked me last January if the environment was high on my agenda at work I would have told you it was barely on my radar screen." Today, Kim is one of TD Bank's biggest environmental champions.

"Today, I generate and retain business by offering a strong value proposition," said Kim. "I proudly incorporate our green initiatives into that proposition and have begun leading customer conversations on everything from TD Forests to our new GREEN machines (automatic transaction machines powered by solar and wind energy) and have been happily surprised by the reaction.

"Customers have been so impressed with our environmental commitment that they've said we are green beyond our logo's color and have pledged to continue to bank with us because of our quest to be environmental stewards."

TD's innovative environmental employee engagement program has not only helped build a green culture but has also been a catalyst for bringing employees together across the still fairly new bank in a common mission that's having a positive impact on the business and the environment.