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Building on Our Commitments

We want to be the better bank. That includes being a sustainable and responsible business. It goes beyond simply focusing on the financial bottom line. Through all the complexities and challenges of 2009, we supported our customers, employees and communities, and continued to build on our commitments.

Our Approach

We understand that by integrating corporate responsibility into every facet of our business we can improve the overall bottom line. We strive to operate consistently with integrity and respect toward all our stakeholders.

We are committed to:

  • investing in the long-term sustainable growth of our businesses;
  • responding to the needs of our customers;
  • investing in our employees;
  • being more inclusive in our workplace and in our interactions with customers;
  • contributing to and championing causes that matter to our employees, our customers and the communities we serve; and
  • reducing our impact on the environment.

TD began reporting on our operations according to the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G3) in 2007. Our corporate social responsibility has always focused on initiatives and issues that are important to our stakeholders and that demonstrate our commitment to doing the right thing as a matter of principle. In our quest to constantly improve our reporting, this year’s report includes more performance-based information that links our initiatives with our business priorities.

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