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IR Magazine Awards - Canada Winner

Debt Information


Senior Debt Program

Program allowing TD to issue senior debt securities in one or more series which constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations and will constitute deposit liabilities which will rank pari passu in right of payment with all of TD's deposit liabilities.

Senior Medium Term Notes Program

Program allowing TD to issue senior medium term notes (the "Notes") which may be linked to the price, value or level of one or more indices, equities, debt instruments, commodities, investment funds or portfolios, statistical measures of economic or financial performance, foreign exchange rates, interest rates and/or other items, and which may be issued in one or more tranches of one or more series. The payment obligations under the Notes constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of TD and will rank pari passu in right of payment with all of TD's present and future unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness of TD.

Subordinated Notes

Unsecured obligations of TD that will constitute subordinated indebtedness which will rank at least equally with other subordinated indebtedness of TD.

TD Green Bond

For further information regarding the TD Green Bond, please read the TD Green Bond FAQ.

Structured Covered Bonds

Programme allowing TD to issue covered bonds (the "Structured Covered Bonds") which are senior, unsecured and unconditional obligations of TD. The Structured Covered Bonds will constitute deposit liabilities which will rank pari passu in right of payment with all of TD's deposit liabilities.

Payments of interest and principal under the Structured Covered Bonds are guaranteed by the TD Covered Bond Guarantor Limited Partnership (the "Guarantor") and will be secured by the assets of the Guarantor, including the Covered Bond Portfolio.

Legislative Covered Bonds

Programme registered in the registry established by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in accordance with the covered bond legislative framework established pursuant to the National Housing Act (Canada), pursuant to which TD may issue legislative covered bonds (the "Legislative Covered Bonds”). The Legislative Covered Bonds are senior, unsecured and unconditional obligations of TD and constitute deposit liabilities, which will rank pari passu in right of payment with all of TD's deposit liabilities.

Payments of interest and principal under the Legislative Covered Bonds are guaranteed by TD Covered Bond (Legislative) Guarantor Limited Partnership (the "Guarantor") and will be secured by the assets of the Guarantor, including a portfolio of residential mortgage loans originated by TD and sold by TD to the Guarantor.

Credit Ratings

Summary of the current credit ratings for TD and its subsidiaries.

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