Customer at TD Bank

Customer Feedback

Striving to deliver legendary customer experience, each and every time

TD employees strive to connect with customers during every interaction and have a positive impact on the customer’s experience. We measure our success in meeting our clients’ needs both formally and informally.

  • Customer experience – what is required to deliver a legendary customer experience during each and every interaction with TD.
  • Handling complaints – when, despite our best intentions, we make mistakes, we make every effort to recover with grace and respect.
  • Customer retention – understanding why customers leave and why they stay.

Customer Experience

We ask our customers to give us feedback so that we can assess our performance on an ongoing basis. In 2009 we conducted over 600,000 interviews. We evaluate our performance through our Customer Experience Index (CEI) in Canada and our Customer WOW! Index (CWI) in the U.S. We use these indices to set targets and drive improvement; the results have an impact on employee compensation.

CEI and CWI measure our customers’ likelihood to recommend TD to their family, friends or colleagues. We also ask respondents to rate our performance in a number of areas, such as:

  • Showing we value our customers.
  • Listening carefully to understand our customers’ concerns and questions.
  • Providing prompt responses to requests.
  • Showing genuine interest in helping our customers.

Customer Experience Index Scores for 2009

We set our 2009 CEI targets as equal to, or greater than the 2008 targets. We did this in order to challenge ourselves to be the better bank even in tough times. All of our businesses maintained or improved their performance compared to the previous year.

Customer Experience Index Survey results

Handling Complaints

Listening and responding to customer complaints helps us get better – and reflects an approach to treating people with respect. Each of our businesses is responsible for problem resolution and has internal processes in place to ensure that complaints are welcomed and addressed in a consistent and timely manner. We are transparent with our problem resolution process, with information TD Bank Financial Group - Page not found

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