Our Priorities

    • Our Priorities
    • Performance
    • Why These Areas are Important to TD

      Education and Financial Literacy

      There is a proven link between higher education and improved socio-economic status. Through our programs, we enable people to access educational resources that are the foundation to a better future. The ability to make informed decisions about the use and management of money is a necessary part of modern life. Financial products are becoming increasingly complex. When people lack basic skills to make sound financial decisions, lives can be disrupted, houses lost and families uprooted. Research by TD Economics has shown a strong correlation between financial literacy and economic stability. By building programs that address financial literacy, we improve the socio-economic status of at-risk groups.


      TD champions environmental preservation and protection because the environment matters to all our stakeholders. We recognize that failing to protect it will have a negative impact on our quality of life, local habitats and, ultimately, our economic prosperity.

      Creating Opportunities for Young People

      Creating access to programs enables young people from all social backgrounds to contribute to diverse and vibrant communities. We work to promote children’s literacy; support young people from diverse and underserved communities to develop their full potential; and create opportunities for young people to access and contribute to arts and culture.

      Affordable Housing

      Communities in the U.S. are still feeling the effects of the economic upheaval resulting from the recent recession. High levels of unemployment, mortgage and credit crises, and record foreclosures are among the problems faced by millions of Americans who have difficulty gaining access to safe, affordable housing. TD Bank is committed to improving the quality and availability of affordable housing in our local neighborhoods, so we fund community development loans and investments and dedicate significant support from the TD Charitable Foundation.

    • Percentage of Donations Applied to Focus Areas

      Our target is to apply 50% of our total giving to the areas of focus. The results below indicate a gradual transition as we begin to apply more funding to these areas over the coming years.

      Percentage of Donations Applied to Focus Areas

      % of Giving Dollars Applied to Areas of Focus Target 50% 2010 2009
      Canada 55.5 49
      U.S.1 47 48

      1 TD Charitable Foundation.

      It will take time to implement a consistent approach across the organization and we are working to include the U.K. figures for funds applied to priority areas.