Publications2014 GRI Index › Economic


Economic Performance

TD’s business strategy is to produce long-term, profitable growth by building strong franchises and delivering value to customers, shareholders and the broader community.
  • Board of Directors
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Senior Executive Team
Ways we measure our approach and impacts
  • Financial and Non-financial performance
More information
G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed
FS–EC1 Value of community investment program, investments by theme, geographical area, time and motivation.
G4–EC2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization’s activities due to climate change
G4–EC3 Coverage of the organizations defined benefit plan obligations.

TD’s benefit programs aim to ensure that employees have a comprehensive safety net of essential protection in the event of a death, disability or a serious illness and to help them provide for their retirement.

Indirect Economic Impacts

DMA Describe work done to understand indirect economic impacts.
G4–EC7 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported.

Impacts of Commercial Investment are reported through projects evaluated under the Equator Principles and also through our lending to Clean Tech companies.

G4-EC8 Significant indirect economic impacts including the extent of impacts.
  • Strengthening Communities: CR Report page 48-54 provides an overview of the impacts of TD’s giving, including in-kind donations and volunteered hours.
  • Sourcing: CR Report page 55 shows the impact of TD’s Responsible Procurement Policy and our programs for diverse suppliers.
  • Access to Banking: CR Report page 23 shows how TD is working to improve access to banking services for different populations, including new immigrants.
  • Affordable Housing: CR Report page 53 shows how TD is reinvesting in our local communities to provide housing options for low-to-moderate income individuals.
  • Tax Policy: CR Report page 57 provides an overview of the taxes we pay and collect.