Publications2014 GRI Index › Environment



TD’s business strategy is to produce long-term, profitable growth by building strong franchises and delivering value to customers, shareholders and the broader community.
Ways we measure our approach and impacts
  • GHG reductions
  • Energy reduction
  • Reductions in paper use
  • Reductions in water use
  • Waste diversion rates
Relevant TD policies
  • TD Enterprise Risk Framework
  • TD Environment Policy
  • Environment Management System
  • Carbon neutral commitment
  • Voluntary eco-efficiency targets
More information
G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organization
G4-EN5 Energy intensity

See Appendix: Performance Data for energy intensity metrics. TD calculates:

  • Electricity intensity (per square foot) kWh
  • Electricity intensity (kWh/million dollar revenue)

G4-EN6 Reduction of energy consumption as a results of conservation and energy initiatives


Our carbon neutral commitment is the foundation of our support of the low carbon economy.
Ways we measure our approach and impacts
  • GHG reductions
Relevant TD policies
  • TD Environment Policy
  • Environment Management System
  • Carbon neutral commitment
  • Voluntary eco-efficiency targets
More information

The banking sector is not subject to regulations or policies for emissions. TD has an internal mandate to operate as a carbon-neutral bank and to achieve our goal we purchase offsets.

G4-EN15 Energy consumption within the organization
FS–EN15 Emissions resulting from business travel
G4–EN16 Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 2)
G4–EN17 Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3)
G4–EN18 GHG Emissions intensity
G4-EN19 Reduction of GHG emissions