Publications2014 GRI Index › Society



DMA Compliance is one aspect of TD’s overall approach to Risk Management
One of TD’s Guiding Principles is to only take risks that we understand and can manage. TD executives, directors and employees look to the Enterprise Risk Framework and our Risk Appetite Statement for a common understanding of how we manage risk.
The mandate of TD’s Compliance Department is to manage compliance risk across the Bank to align with the policies established and approved by the Audit and Risk Committees.
  • Chief Risk Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Senior Executive Team, Risk Committee of the Board and Board of Directors
Ways we measure our approach and impacts
  • Risk Management Discussion: AR pages 65
Relevant TD policies
  • TD has many policies to support the management of major risk categories.
More information
  • Managing Risk: CR Report pages 15
G4–SO8 Monetary value of fines and number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws/regulations
Compliance Incident Reporting 2014
Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust and monopoly practices.1 12
Monetary value of significant fines 3 (in millions) 0
Total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations. 0

1 Actions that potentially exceed $25 million in damages and/or legal costs.
2 A single family of matters consisting of several related actions.
3 We determine a significant fine to be $1 million or over and related to incidents that are of a regulatory nature. Penalties of an administrative nature are not considered material.