Charts and Graphs - Community

Increased funding in 2009

In Canada
TD corporate donations = $37 million
Employee donations and fundraising = $9.5+ million
Customer donations = $4.7 million
Total impact = $51.2+ million

% of Donations applied to Areas of Focus

% of Donations applied to Areas of Focus

2009 Community Giving in Canada

2009 Community Giving in Canada

  • Children's health
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment
  • Arts & Culture
  • United Way
  • Civic & Community
  • Hospitals
  • Other

Responding to Our Communities

In the U.S. (in USD)
TD Charitable Foundation = $13.9 million
Community Sponsorships = $5.4 million
Employee donations = $700 thousand
Total impact = $20 million

2009 Community Giving in U.S.

2009 Community Giving in U.S.