Charts and Graphs - Diversity

Trends in Employment Equity at TD1 (Canada)

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Women Overall 66.18% 66.88% 67.34% 67.43% 68.11%
Senior Management2 33.78% 29.55%2 29.88% 25.38% 23.00%
Middle & Other Management 47.17% 47.37% 47.19% 45.79% 44.08%
Visible Minorities Overall 25.97% 25.38% 25.35% 23.43% 22.71%
Senior Management2 8.10% 7.20% 5.98% 4.55% 3.54%
Middle & Other Management 18.73% 18.03% 16.92% 15.52% 14.87%
Aboriginal Peoples Overall 1.06% 1.22% 1.21% 1.08% 1.06%
Senior Management2 0.68% 0.38% 0.40% 0.38% 0.39%
Middle & Other Management 0.68% 0.71% 0.67% 0.66% 0.61%
People With Disabilities Overall 3.73% 3.78% 3.59% 2.17% 2.00%
Senior Management2 2.70%* 5.30% 5.98% 3.79% 1.57%
Middle & Other Management 3.47% 3.95% 3.82% 1.87% 1.54%
1 Statistics are for each year as at December 31 and reflect the percentage of the work force (excluding General Insurance). Statistics for 2009 will be compiled and reported to the federal government by June 2010. 2 The basis of presentation of TD’s senior management was changed in 2006 to bring it in line with industry practice. The senior management category now includes those individuals holding Bank-approved titles of Vice President, Senior Vice President or higher (excluding General Insurance). *Decrease partially due to retirements. TD Bank Financial Group - Page not found
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