Responsible Financing

  • Our financing activities include loans, lines of credit, project financing and investing.

    TD is primarily a retail bank. Overall, 90% of our lending and credit activities are connected to consumer, residential and real estate financing. Through TD Securities, our wholesale banking business, we provide financing to industry. Most of our lending is to companies based in North America. Approximately 7% of our total financing involves clients operating in environmentally and socially sensitive industries such as mining, fossil fuel extraction, thermal power generation, forestry, automotive and agriculture.

    We support and encourage responsible development. We work proactively with our clients and stakeholders to continually “raise the bar” on performance in order to proactively mitigate risks and realize opportunities. Our goal is to make balanced, informed and transparent financing decisions. TD’s Environmental Management Framework sets out our priorities which include:

    • Forest biodiversity
    • Climate change; and
    • Support for the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Aboriginal Peoples

    In addition, TD has developed the following policies that support responsible financing.

    Protecting Biodiversity

    TD does not lend money for transactions that would involve activities within World Heritage sites, would result in the degradation of protected critical natural habitats as designated according to World Conservation Union classification or would involve the purchase of timber from illegal logging operations.

    Weapons and Bombs

    We do not lend money for transactions that are directly related to the trade in or manufacturing of material for nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or for landmines or cluster bombs.


    TD applies anti-corruption and anti-fraud controls to activities that are known to be susceptible to criminal activity or have been designated as being at high risk for money laundering or financing of terrorism.