
  • As a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing (UNPRI), TD Asset Management (TDAM) is committed to integrating environmental, social and governance considerations into its investment decision-making process. As part of its UNPRI commitment, TD Asset Management publishes an annual report summarizing how the principles have been implemented and the progress so far (Implementation of the Principles for Responsible Investment). TD Asset Management also prepares an annual Engagement Report summarizing its activities.

    TD Asset Management believes that environmental and social governance (ESG) issues can affect the performance of companies, in turn affecting investment portfolios. Our approach is to assess ESG considerations for all of our investments. TDAM adopted its Sustainable Investment Policy in 2009, which describes how we approach ESG issues as part of our investment decision making process.

    We also provide three sustainability funds to retail and institutional investors:

    • TD Global Sustainability Fund (Canadian retail)
    • TD Emerald Global Sustainability Pooled Fund Trust (Canadian institutional)
    • TDAM Global Sustainability Fund (U.S. clients)

    Our aim is to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in companies around the globe that are viewed as best in class with respect to environmental, social and/or economic factors and/or that are emerging specialists in clean energy technology and resource efficiency. TDAM managed approximately $23 million across the three global sustainability funds as of October 31, 2010.

    Roundtable on Sustainable Investing

    In 2010, TD Asset Management co-hosted a roundtable to explore the state of sustainable investing today. Several industry representatives were involved to discuss industry trends and the challenges of implementing sustainable investment programs. Read the transcript.