Corporate Responsibility

  • Corporate responsibility is a key part of TD’s strategy and is managed within a framework of internal control, governance and risk-management processes.

    Governance Chart

    The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the tone for a culture of integrity and compliance throughout TD. The Board oversees management, considers and approves, on a continuous basis, strategic alternatives and plans, and approves all major strategy and policy recommendations.

    The Corporate Governance Committee discusses TD’s corporate responsibility strategy with management and reviews the Corporate Responsibility Report and Public Accountability Statement.

    Group President and Chief Executive Officer Ed Clark has primary responsibility for ensuring TD acts as an exemplary corporate citizen.

    Executive Sponsor Teri Currie, Group Head of Marketing, Corporate and People Strategies, oversees the development of the Corporate Responsibility Report and provides advice on the direction and approval of content.

    The Corporate Responsibility Working Committee includes representatives from the key business units and stakeholder groups who contribute to the Corporate Responsibility Report. The role and function of this working committee is to support the development of the report and ensure information is presented accurately and reflects current priorities.