Our Priorities

    • Our Priorities
    • Linking Priorities to Performance
    • Our Approach

      91% of employees agree that TD is a “socially and environmentally responsible organization,” which rates above the Aon Hewitt Best Employer benchmark
      (June 2010 Aon Hewitt Survey)

      Corporate responsibility has always been an implicit part of who we are at TD – from how we serve our customers to how we manage our operations and our support for community issues and causes.

      In 2010, we wanted to clearly state our corporate responsibility priorities and demonstrate how they support TD’s overall vision to be The Better Bank. Building from the foundation of the TD Framework, we identified areas where corporate responsibility was most clearly articulated, to develop the following ten priorities:

      Corporate Responsibility Priorities

      • Treat customers fairly, and provide support in tough times
      • Be the bank of choice for diverse communities
      • Be an environmental leader among our peers
      • Continuously improve our environmental footprint
      • Manage the social and environmental risks of our lending and investment products
      • Build a fair, diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the communities we serve
      • Attract and retain great people and create opportunities for continued development
      • Contribute to the economic and social development of the diverse communities we serve
      • Be transparent about the way we conduct our business
      • Use suppliers who demonstrate socially and environmentally responsible practices

      Our goals for diversity and inclusion are woven into the corporate responsibility priorities for customers, employees and communities. So far we have sought feedback from internal stakeholders. Going forward, we recognize there is a need to engage external stakeholders in this process to gain the benefit of their perspective.

      photo of Andrea Baldwin

      “CBSR applauds the continual efforts of TD to improve the quality, content and completeness of their corporate responsibility reporting. The 2010 report includes greater sustainability context, balance through discussion of challenges, comparability of data year-over-year and clarity for the reader through the new corporate responsibility priorities and scorecard. We encourage TD to continue its pursuit of balanced reporting. Going forward, future reports should include more information about the issues that were raised by stakeholders and how TD is responding to them.”

      Andrea Baldwin, VP Membership and Advisory Services
      Canadian Business for Social Responsibility

      CBSR logo

    • Linking Priorities to Performance

      To enhance TD’s corporate responsibility program, we are working to build and demonstrate a clear link between our priorities and our performance. As additional stakeholders are consulted, these metrics will continue to be refined through 2011.

        Priority Performance Indicator
      Customers Treat customers fairly, and provide support in tough times
      • Customer Experience Index
      • Number of complaints resolved internally by TD Ombudsman
      • Number of customers supported through TD Helps
      Be the bank of choice for diverse communities
      • Survey results from diverse communities
      Environment Be an environmental leader among our peers
      • Survey results from environmental market research
      Continuously improve our environmental footprint
      • Metric tonnes of carbon emissions (CO2e)
      • Reduction of energy use relative to baseline year (%)
      • Average number of sheets of paper used per employee per year
      Manage the social and environmental risks of our lending and investment products
      • Number of financing deals referred to TD Environment for review
      Employees Build a fair, diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the communities we serve
      • Employee representation for each area of focus (%)
      • TD’s Diversity Inclusiveness Survey
      Attract and retain great people
      • Employee retention
      • Employee Engagement Index (score)
      Community Contribute to the economic and social development of the diverse communities we serve
      • Percentage of pre-tax profits donated to charity (%)
      • Dollars paid through employee volunteer grants ($)
      • Number of financial literacy and education programs
      Economy Be transparent about the way we conduct our business
      • Incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes and any significant fines
      • Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust and monopoly practices
      Use suppliers who demonstrate socially and environmentally responsible practices
      • Metric to be developed