Our Material Issues

  • Material issues are those with a significant impact on how successfully we as a company carry out our business. They are also those that could significantly influence decisions our stakeholders make – for example, whether or not a customer chooses to bank at TD or whether or not a not-for-profit group chooses to partner with us. Materiality evaluates the importance of an issue to an organization's stakeholders, as well as the influence an issue has on business success.

    In this report, we cover the key issues that are relevant to TD and our stakeholders both in 2010 and over the longer term. These issues were selected through interactions with a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, financial analysts, employees, business leaders, community groups, governments and not-for-profit organizations.

    Issue: Why It Is Important to TD:
    Executive Compensation TD’s future success relies not only on our financial performance, but also on our progress in corporate responsibility. We continue to review opportunities to link corporate responsibility performance to executive compensation.
    Customer Satisfaction Delivering legendary customer service is core to our business strategy and ultimately contributes to shareholder value.
    Employee Development With the aging North American demographic, many senior employees will be eligible to retire within the next five years. TD invests in building talent and leadership at all levels in order to position us for continued growth.
    Diversity TD operates in many diverse communities across North America, Europe and Asia. Our employees, our products and the services we offer must reflect these communities.
    Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions TD has committed its business operations to be carbon-neutral and to reduce our environmental footprint.
    Environmentally Responsible Financing TD is committed to responsible development of natural resources that consider financial, environmental and social aspects.