Customers › Feedback


We continually ask customers for their candid feedback – what they like about TD, what their biggest concerns are and ways in which we can improve.

Measuring the customer experience

Every year we evaluate our retail banks' performance through the Legendary Experience Index (LEI) in both Canada and the U.S. For our Canadian Direct Investing business we use the Customer Experience Index (CEI). This is an extensive undertaking in which we contact over 700,000 customers and ask them to rate our performance in a number of areas. The results help drive improvement at TD and have an impact on employee compensation.

Handling Complaints

Our commitment to customer service excellence includes resolving complaints as quickly and smoothly as we can. In place of a complaints department, TD has a very effective problem resolution process. We connect customers who have a concern or complaint with TD employees who can help.

If you have a problem or concern (pdf)

When complaints are not resolved, customers can contact the TD Office of the Ombudsman in Canada or the Problem Resolution Committee in the U.S. These offices act as independent intermediaries, striving to come to a resolution that is timely, fair and reasonable to both the customer and the Bank.

More information on the TD Ombudsman Office