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One million ways to a healthy environment

How does TD help protect our environment? One tree at a time. Our commitment to New York alone will help get the city to their goal of planting and caring for one million trees by 2015 – two years earlier than projected. It's just one part of our TD Forests initiative to make our communities greener and healthier.


“Our commitment to New York alone will help get the city to their goal of planting and caring for one million trees by 2015.”

TD was the first North American-based carbon neutral bank.

TD Green Streets has provided $1.5 million in funding to communities across Canada since 2010 and has expanded to the U.S. and the U.K.

Since TD Tree Days launched in 2010, thousands of volunteers have planted over 125,000 trees.

TD Green Bond leads the way, supports environment

This year TD took "going green" to a whole new level, becoming the first commercial bank in Canada to offer a bond dedicated to funding green initiatives. Through the $500 million TD Green Bond, TD Securities now offers investors an investment vehicle that supports environmental mandates while providing a market rate of return. The proceeds that investors raise through the bond will be used to finance environmental projects.

"We are excited to help develop the evolving green bond market for investors," says Patrick Meneley, Vice Chair, Investment Banking, TD Securities, Executive Vice President, TD Bank Group.

Environmental leadership

TD is committed to environmental leadership. In 2010, we became the first North-American-based carbon neutral bank.

“I am thrilled that we have once again led the way, this time with the TD Green Bond – a milestone achievement that contributes to the greening of the Canadian economy,” says Karen Clarke-Whistler, Chief Environment Officer, TD Bank Group.


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